Already when the club was formed, it was decided that we would try to get the Chartreux recognized by GCCF, The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, and the club to become a full member. The breed name Chartreux was added in September 2015, which meant that we could start registering our cats. The Preliminary Recognition was granted in October 2017, and we could then begin to enter our cats into Assessment Classes. In these classes, the cats are assessed individually against the breed’s Standard of Points, ‘Breed Standard’. If the judge considered that the cat conformed to the Standard, a Merit was awarded.
Since Preliminary Recognition was granted, we have worked hard to get 15 cats with 4 Merits each from different judges. At the Shorthair & All Breed CC of Scotland show on 8 April 2023, Beinnliath Lost Soul became the 15th cat, so we can now apply to GCCF for Full Recognition and Championship Status for the Chartreux. He was also awarded Overall Best in Show.
The photos are arranged on the date the 4th Merit was awarded. The last five cats have 3-1 Merits. Macan de Midilys was the first to be awarded a Merit, and Melkelter Nancy Nicolina was the first UK-bred cat to get a Merit. Jay de l’Etoile du Soir was the first Chartreux to be awarded Overall Best in Show.